4589491805 http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3489-0158
email: x@math.biu.ac.il where x=katzmik
phone: (+972) 3-531-8194
office: room 227
Teaching in '24-'25:
Analytic and differential geometry 88-201 (formerly 88-526) (spring semester).
Other courses: Infinitesimal calculus 3 a.k.a. 88-230, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry 88-537, Infinitesimal analysis 88-503, Differential geometry 88-826, Infinitesimal Calculus 88-132, Projective geometry 88-524, Complex functions 88-231.
Arithmetic, Geometry, and Topology (AGT) Seminar: current schedule
Publications on the mathematics, history, and philosophy of infinitesimals
See also
Infinitesimal analysis without the axiom of
Effective infinitesimals in R,
Bishop Connes Halmos Sergeyev,
Hyperreals and surreals,
Depictions and viability,
Mikhail G. Katz's articles on arXiv and private arXiv page
Mikhail G. Katz's publications at Google Scholar
Teacher/teaching evaluation http://www1.biu.ac.il/seker_horaah
mathscinet, zentralblatt, sunset
Department of Mathematics of Bar Ilan University, bird's eye view from Google Scholar see also this and this
Bar Ilan University academic calendars
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My academic whakapapa can be traced back to Leibniz
Fermat collected works volume 1 in djvu
Plazagate: Park Plaza Retirement (Chicago) and its amazing electronic door.
FAQ: When is .999... less than 1?
A website for systolic geometry and topology
Bar Ilan Mathematics Colloquium: '08-'09 schedule
Rav Zaks's Daf Yomi shiur at beineinu
Daf yomi shiur at kol halashon
Segal on Chofetz Chaim day 69A, day 69B
Barbara Engelking
Bar Ilan campus
More on infinitesimals
Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University