Bar-Ilan Arithmetic, Geometry, and Topology seminar

Time: wednesday at 3:00 pm
Place: Math building, Top floor seminar room (201)

Year 5784 ('23-'24)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
17 jan '24 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University, at 12:30 Which surfaces are Loewner?
7 feb '24 Prof. Semyon Alesker, Tel Aviv University, at 12:00 Theory of valuations on manifolds
21 feb '24 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University at 12:00 Nonpositively curved surfaces are Loewner
28 feb '24 Prof. Semyon Alesker, Tel Aviv University, at 12:00 Theory of valuations on manifolds, part 2
15 may '24 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University, at 15:30 Discussion around new systolic inequalities

Year 5783 ('22-'23)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
21 jun '23 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University, at 12 pm Generalizing Gromov's optimal stable systolic inequality

Year 5781 ('20-'21)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
2 jun '21 Prof. Semyon Alesker, Tel Aviv University Convergence of intrinsic volumes of Riemannian manifolds
9 jun '21 Prof. Semyon Alesker, Tel Aviv University New inequalities on mixed volumes of convex bodies and valuations on convex sets
16 jun '21 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Collapsing surfaces
30 jun '21 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Collapsing tori and Klein bottles

Year 5780 ('19-'20)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
6 nov '19 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Inequality for length and area in complex projective plane
4 dec '19 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Torus cannot collapse to a segment
18 dec '19 Prof. Tahl Nowik, Bar Ilan University Topological embeddings into random 2-complexes
15 jan '20 Prof. Tahl Nowik, Bar Ilan University Neostandard criterion of local compactness

Year 5779 ('18-'19)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
24 october '18 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Leibniz and Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis
31 october '18 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Leibniz-Robinson-Goldblatt infinitesimal analysis
26 december '18 Dr. Emanuel Lazar, Bar Ilan University Level set geometry and applications to data analysis
12 june '19 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Systolically extremal surfaces of nonpositive curvature are flat with finitely many singularities
19 june '19 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University On Pu's inequality with isosystolic remainder term

Year 5778 ('17-'18)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
14 march '18 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Systolically extremal Riemann surfaces
11 april '18 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University A hyperreal approach to Burgers' equation
16 may '18 Prof. Lev Glebsky, Hebrew University Approximations and stability of groups

Year 5777 ('16-'17)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
9 nov '16 M. Katz Completions, p-adics, and all that
16 nov '16 Dr. Arielle Leitner Introduction to Geometric Structures and Generalized Cusps on Convex Projective Manifolds
23 nov '16 M. Katz Completions, p-adics, and all that II
30 nov '16 Prof. Semyon Alesker, TAU Some conjectures on intrinsic volumes on Riemannian and Alexandrov spaces.
7 dec '16 M. Katz Completions, p-adics, adeles, and all that III
28 dec '16 Chanuka Chanuka
18 jan '17 Dr. Yevgeny Liokumovich, MIT Weyl's law for widths of Riemannian manifolds
22 feb '17 Prof. Evgeny Gordon, Eastern Illinois University A nonstandard analysis approach to the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
7 june '17 Prof. Tahl Nowik, Bar Ilan University Noether's theorem

Year 5776 ('15-'16)


Date Speaker Title and (click on title) Abstract
9 march '16 Dr. Tahl Nowik Random knots
16 march '16 Dr. Natan Rubin, Ben-Gurion University On the Richter-Thomassen Conjecture for Jordan Curves, and Beyond
13 april '16 Dr. Tahl Nowik Discrete Riemann surfaces
25 may '16 Prof. Mikhail Katz A quantitative obstruction to collapsing surfaces
22 june '16 Prof. Evgeny Gordon, Eastern Illinois University Continuous vs Discrete via Nonstandard Analysis
** ** Spring up; Fall down
28 oct '15 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Small oscillations of the pendulum from Klein to Robinson
4 nov '15 Prof. Shmuel Weinberger, University of Chicago A trichotomy theorem for group actions on locally symmetric manifolds
11 nov '15 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Tao's book on Hilbert's fifth problem
18 nov '15 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Tao's book on Hilbert's fifth problem
25 nov '15 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Tao's book on Hilbert's fifth problem
2 dec '15 Prof. Mikhail Katz, Bar Ilan University Tao's book on Hilbert's fifth problem
9 dec '15 Chanuka Chanuka
16 dec '15 Prof. Kobi Peterzil, University of Haifa Topological groups and stabilizers of types
23 dec '15 Prof. Alex Lubotzky, Hebrew University From Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes
30 dec '15 Prof. Yevgeny Liokumovich, Imperial College, London Volumes of minimal hypersurfaces and a new systolic inequality
6 jan '16 Dr. Shai Evra, Hebrew University Topological Expanders
13 jan '16 M. Katz Determinantal varieties and bilipschitz equivalence
20 jan '16 M. Katz Convexity and critical points

ARCHIVE: AGT: '08-'09 AGT: '07-'08 Geometry and topology: '03-'04
Geometry and topology: Fall '02-'03
Mathematics colloquium: '08-'09 schedule
Website for systolic geometry and topology
More on infinitesimals

Organized by Mikhail Katz and Tahl Nowik
katzmik "at"

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