Fiction and Narrative







1)      Novels in English

2)      Narrative Non-fiction

3)      Story Collections and Anthologies






Last Update:  December 20, 2012


Authors marked with an * wrote originally in Hebrew.

# Marks books available as electronic books from 

In-print books can be ordered from the publisher’s web-sites.



Novels In English

#Bassara, Myriam, Sun Inside Rain, Targum/Feldheim (2004).  Apartheid in South Africa and prejudice in Jerusalem.

Benjamin, Ruth, On a Golden Chain, C.I.S. (1991). Concerns a Jewish girl adopted into a Gentile family in England, searching for her natural family in South Africa and Israel. 

_____________, Yesterday's Child, C.I.S. (1992).  The hero is a boy from a broken home who discovers that his mother had been divorced before marrying his father, and the book explores the South African attitudes toward Jewish divorce.

_____________, Stranger to her People, C.I.S. (1993).  Treats a South African convert who explores the extent to which her family is implicated in the Holocaust.

_____________, All the Hidden Children, Targum/Feldheim (1995).  Partly adventure story, but partly is about a ba'al teshuva who feels that his spiritual roots are in Israel and who, at the end of the book, settles there to raise a family.

_____________, The Selby Printout, Targum/Feldheim, (1998). Hebrew: Nitpas b’Reshet, Rannanut (2001). A gang of embezzlers turns vicious when they discover that the family of their scapegoat is on their trail.

_____________, The Music of the Soul,  Targum/Feldheim (2001).  A musician tries to save her young student, who is threatened by gangsters trying to collect an uncle’s gambling debts. 

_____________, Diamonds from the Past, Menucha Publications (2012) A ruined diamond merchant tries to recoup his position with a deal that turns dangerous.

Bensoussan, Barbara, The New Song, Targum Press (2006) A girl from the Midwest is discovered by her mother’s Jewish family.

Birnhak, Sarah, Search My Heart, Moznaim, (1986). Leah, infiltrating the religious community in the guise of a ba'alat teshuva in order to play detective in a fictionalized version of the Yossele Shuchmacher kidnapping, is caught by her role.

_____________, Family Secrets, Targum/Feldheim (1993). This sequel documents the rise in religious standards in the religious community, showing why this respectable Orthodox housewife prefers not to tell her daughter-in-law what she and her husband were like as teenagers.

Caton, Tzipi, invisible Me, Targum Press (2009) A teenage girl coping with selective mutism.

David, Chaya, The Freedom to Be, Israel Bookshop Publications (~2010). Two cousins face challenges which lead them down very different paths.

Diamant, Gila, Full Circle, Feldheim, (1994).  The only daughter of Holocaust survivors copes with infertility.

*Eliav, Chaim, In the Spider’s Web, (B’korei HaAchvish), Shaar Press (1996).  A Brazilian lawyer receives threatening phone calls shortly after one of his friends is murdered.

_______,  Persecution, (Don Carlos b’Madrid)  Shaar Press (1997).  Historical novel about the marranos.

_______, Runaway, (Kotonet Pasim) Shaar Press (1998).  A teenage boy runs away to Switzerland to escape an unloving father.

_______, The Mission, (Shlichut) Shaar Press (2000).  A diamond merchant, sent to Moscow on a business trip, is given another mission by his aged grandfather.

_______, The Envelope, Shaar Press (2002).  An avereich finds an envelope among his father’s things which upsets his entire view of his family.

*Fried, Leah, I Can Call you Ima (Efshar Likro lach Ima), (1992). About the difficulties of blending together two families when a widower marries a widow.

__________, Coming Home (Abba Chozer), Rubenstein, (1996). The story of a secular couple who have gotten divorced and split up the children because the father has become religious.

__________, Tightrope, (Mishol), Feldheim, (2002) A complicated relationship between the housemother of an old age home and her daughter-in-law, made more complicated by a dishonest caretaker of one of the residents.

#Florens, Estie, Set Me Free, Feldheim Publishers (~2008).  Four girls set off for seminary in Israel, each with her own bundle of problems.

Friedman, Miriam , Thirteenth Avenue, Diamond Books (1995). Gives the adventures of three religious housewives, friends from high school, who open a business together on Boro Park's main shopping street.

Gold, Avner,  The Fur Traders, (2008) Mesorah Publications.  Historical fiction about Jewish life in Europe and America in the eighteenth century.

__________, Midnight Intruders, (2009) Artscroll. Historical fiction about the life of the Chacham Tzvi and his battle against the followers of Shabtai Tzvi.

Goldman, Yitchak,First Identity, (2005) An adopted boy discovers that his birth parents were religious Jews.  The detective who failed to solve the kidnapping becomes involved in his attempt to adjust to his birth family.

Goldman, Yitchak, Nathan’s Fortune, (2011) L’chaim Publications.  A string of anonymous gifts unsettles a retired couple and the zany “detective” who tries to solve the mystery adds a new twist to the story.

Gordon, Gita, Flashback, Shaar Press (2007) Family saga over two thousand years.

#__________, Mystery in the Amazon, Jerusalem Publications, (2008) A Jewish couple, on a trip to Brazil to investicate a charity, are stranded in the forest.

#Goykadosh, Bracha, Footprints in the Sand, Jerusalem Publications.

Gottesman, Uri, The Morning Star, A small Jewish community in crisis, interwoven with a historical tale from the time of the Second Temple.

Greenbaum, Chaim, The Will, Shaar Press (2009).  The strange will and a wealthy bank sends Mossad agents dashing around Europe to protect an unsuspecting yeshiva student.

_______________, The MexicoFile, Shaar Press (2011).  A story whose roots go back to the mistreatment of a widow and orphan ends up involving a botched attempt to develop and deploy chemical warfare.  

Guttenberg, Deborah, Saving Soraya (2003) A Jewish family on vacation in France uncovers a mystery.

*Halevi, Ruth, Maelstrom, HaModia Purlications (2006) A family is partially reunited after the war, but the bonding is difficult.

Heller, Esther,  The Lost Daughter, Targum Press (2009) An adopted girl looks for her family … and her people.

Hirsch, Naomi, Innocent Deceptions, (2009) Lion's Gate Press, A young man of no particular distinction marries a wealthy girl, only to discover that she is suffering from bipolar disorder, which eventually prevents her from caring for their child or living outside a residential treatment center.­­­­­­­­­

___________, Desperate Deceptions, (2011). Lion’s Gate Press/Israel Bookshop An old secret nearly destroys the life of an only son.

___________, Roadblock, Artscroll (2012).

Istrin, Rochel, Searching, Targum (2010)  The historical drama of a young Hassidish family in pre-war Poland, sundered by the cataclysm of World War II, and reunited to begin new lives in the fledgling State of Israel of the early 1950's.

*Kisner, Sarah, The Legacy, Jerusalem Publications (2002).  Israeli children visiting a Swiss grandmother help a lawyer track down missing Jewish bank accounts.

____________With this Ring, (B'Tabat zu) (2009) Jerusalem Publications  A ruined diamond dealer is given a second change, while his married daughter tries to deal with straightened circumstances and her own character flaws.

#____________, Operation: London, Jerusalem Publications.  She was already uncertain about going to boarding school in London, even before the school became a target in a terrorist operation.

Langer, Elky and Berkovits, Shades of Gray, (1999) Targum/Feldheim, The complications of the shidduchim of an older single girls have they roots years before.

Lazewnik, Libby, The Search for Miri, Targum/ Feldheim (1991). Miri's search for Jewish identity in the DP camps, including the question of going to Israel or America.

_____________,Between the Thorns, Targum/ Feldheim (1994). This sequel deals with the children of the survivors, whose parents have done all they can to protect their offspring from suffering.  As the children marry and make their way in life, they must discover for themselves that all roses have thorns.

_____________,Give Me the Moon, Targum/ Feldheim (1996). About a brother and sister raising their families in New York and Jerusalem respectively, about the effect of their arrogance on the other members of their families, and about the crises that humbled them.

_____________,  Secret Accounts, Shaar Press (1997).  An U.S. government accountant tracking terrorist funding gets personally involved.

_____________,  The Judge, Shaar Press (2000).  The brother of a criminal put behind bars by a Jewish judge revenges himself on the family.

_____________, The Quest, Shaar Press (2003).  An adopted girl’s search for her natural mother brings healing to several others.

­­­­­­­­­­_____________, Fortune Seekers, Shaar Press (2008) A kollel family moves to the Southwest for medical reasons, and discovers a mystery connected with an Indian reservation.

_____________, Rosewood Court, Hamodia Treasures (2009). Five families living in a cul-de-sac, each with their own quirks and challenges, find plenty of drama—and growth—over the course of this entertaining story.

­­­______________, Fool’s Gold, Hamodia Treasures (2011). Twenty-four-year-old Esther Jacobs decides to devote her life to a tragically widowed friend, left with a small child to raise. Before Esther can find her own happiness, she must learn some valuable lessons about how and where to give.

#Levin, Menucha, The Youngest Bride, Israel Bookshop Publications.  The young girl, barely bat mitzvah, is married to a young boy to protect him from being drafted into the Russion army as a Cantonist.

Mensh, Shuli, Mind Games. Judaica Press (2011).  A husband’s troubles at work cast a shadow on the entire familyh.

#Meyere, Henye, A Stranger to my Brothers,  A resentful young boy from outside tries to find a place in the Jewish community in 1096.

#Millman, M.C. Amen Allowed, Jerusalem Publications, (2008).  A dedicated teacher and his adventures trying both to keep his job and uphold his principles.

Pearlman, Ruthie, Working it Out, Bristol, Rhein and Englander (1990).

_____________, Getting it Right, Bristol, Rhein and Englander (1990).

_____________, Making it Last, Bristol, Rhein and Englander (1991). This trilogy concerns a brilliant girl from an English Orthodox home who tries to fulfill her ambitions to be a doctor within the educational framework of the Orthodox community, in spite of having gotten married at eighteen and raising a large family.

_____________, Dark Tapestry, Targum/Feldheim, (2000).  An only child from Golders Green is kidnapped, and the police pursue him via the internet and trace evidence.

______________, The Movement, Targum/Feldheim, (2001).  A young girl whose parents have gotten involved in a cult confesses to a murder.

______________, Carers, Inc., Targum/Feldhaim, (2002).  Sequel to The Movement, involving caretakers.

______________, Against the Wall, Targum Feldheim, (2004) Boys on the fringe and the half-way house established for them in London.

Perl, Shaindy, Blueprints, Israel Bookshop, (2010) A young teacher wonders if her talents lie elsewhere, much to the distress of her mother the principal.

Peterseil, Tehila. The Safe Place, Pitspopany Press, (1997).  The relationship between a grade school girl with dyslexia and her special education teacher. 

_____________,  Unjust Cause, Pitspopany Press, (1998).  A young boy with dysgraphia has a difficult relationship with his father.

#Pollack, Tziporrah, Lost and Found, Sapir Press (2009).  A young French couple try to settle in Jerusalem, with consequences for her mother as well.

Pomerantz, Rachel, Wildflower, Bristol, Rhein and Englander (1989). A childless couple of ba’alei teshuva take a foster baby, Ronny, from a secular home.  The remainder of the book treats their difficult relationship with the child's natural family, and the marital difficulties of Barbara's friend Aviva.

#_____________,A Time to Rend, A Time to Sew, Feldheim (1996). Also in French and Hebrew. Beth always wanted to be a surgeon, and thought the only thing likely to stand in the way was being a woman – until she became frum.

_____________,Cactus Blossoms, Targum/Feldheim, (1997). The sequel deals with a court case for custody of Ronny at the time of his bar mitzva. The title refers to the difficulties of American immigrants in raising their Sabra children.

#_____________, As Mountains Around Jerusalem, Feldheim. (1999). Two converts take very different paths in joining the Jewish people.

_____________, Crossing the Divide, HaModia Treasures (2007).  Two families deal with the decision of where to live and the adjustments of changing cultures.

_____________, Bells and Pomegranates, Menucha Press (2013).  Being uptight about shidduch prospects keeps Gila from getting the most out of sem and almost ruins Yossi’s year at the Mir.

#_____________, Till Then, Jewish E-Books (2012).  A pair of Leftists working in the media are thrown into contact with people from all across the Israeli political spectrum during an election year – chareidim, Palestinians, nationalist religious Jews, Israeli Arabs, Sephardim, and the extreme Right.

#Pomerantz, Riva, Breaking Point, Targum/Feldheim (~2007).  A bright teen steps off his old path and ends up in the pool hall, which turns out not to be quite as cool as it seemed at first.

#_____________, Breaking Free, Targum Feldheim (2009).  Moving back home is also not easy, particulary when a pool hall friend follows.

#______________, Green Fences,.  Wearing the green-tinted glasses of envy is surely not good for the jealous one, and may not be very healthy for the envied one either.

_______________, Charades, .She worked very hard to get a degree and become a respected psychologist, but what will become of her work if her own family is crumbling.  

Rappaport, Esther, Divided Attention. Israel Bookshop Publications, (2012).  A foster child is troubled by ghosts from the past.

#Raskin, Uri, The Scribe, Jerusalem Publications.  A young boy forms a relationship with an older scribe.

Rosen, Devorah, The Yellow Notebook, Sapir Press (2009) The crises of an eighth grade class of boys in a village in Israel.

*Rosenberg, Chava, The Dividing Line, HaMo’or (1996) A young girl discovers that she is adopted and begins searching for her natural mother.

_______________ Choices. Hamodia Publishing/Feldheim, (2006). A novel about two doctors, one an Israeli ba’al teshuva and the other a famous specialist in England, 

______________, Whispers. Hamodia Publishing/Feldheim, (2007). The story of a Berlin factory owner in Nazi Germany is interwoven with the quest he has assigned to his heirs.

______________, Mists of Time. Hamodia Publishing/Feldheim, (2008). A woman who had married her sister’s widower and raised her child struggles with the problem of how to tell the girl that she is not her matural mother.

*#Rosen, Devora, Lone Star, (2005) An Israeli agent in Iran helps a local Jewish family.

____________,Off Limits, Sapir Press.

Rosenberg, Goldy, Clouds of Glory, Paamon Press, (1999).  The fictionalized account of a group of Beis Ya’akov girls who help transform the Kiev Jewish community by teaching in Jewish school there and who are themselves transformed in the process.

Rosman, Bracha, Out of Sight, HaModia Publishing (2012).  A blind girl recovers her sight, but the adjustment to her new situation has its price.

Rottman, Kaylie, Blind Faith, Jerusalem Publications, (2012).  A teenage olah suffers a betrayal which exacerbates her pre-existing problems.

Rubin, Chana Stavsky, A Time to Live, C.I.S. (1989), A young girl becomes interested in her Jewish roots after anti-Semitic harassment, and helps uncover a neo-Nazi plot.

_________________, A Time to Heal, C.I.S. (1991), A sequel, involving terrorists at the Olympic games.

#Saltman, Rosally, Soul Journey, Melech Publication (2006) One soul, reincarnated in five different periods of history, facing spiritual challenges in each.

#Schachnowitz, The Jewish Kingdom of Kuzar, Feldheim Publishers, A conspiracy against the royal family.

*Schechter, Eli, Pyramid Base,  Weiss.  Spy thriller.

____________, Plan B, Israel Bookshop,  An attempt to foil the terrorist operation of an Islamist organization.

Schmidt, Rochel, A Rose among Thorns, Israel Bookshop Publications (2008).  A surviving mother searches for a child lost during the Holocaust.

*Schorr, Rachel  Interrupted Journey, A young boy is on a hijacked plane.

____________, One Flight Up, Shaar Press (2007), A feud with a neighbor turns out to be a horrible mistake.

#____________, Autumn Rains, Shaar Press (2005), An older single deals with the extra pain of a broken engagement.

#____________, Shadows and Light, Feldheim Publishers (2009).  A child's mutism had roots years before.

Schottenstein, Shevy, The Promise of Freedom, Targum/Feldheim (2007) A historical novel about Jew in America a hundred and fifty years ago.

#________________Mirror Image, Israel Book Shop (2011).  An adopted bochur is accidentally brought in contact with his natural father.

#Schwarz, Shoshana, In Full Bloom,  Feldheim, (1998).  An orphaned ba’alat teshuva has difficulty finding a match.

#_______________, Captive Soul, Feldheim, (2001).  With the aid of an exit counselor, a family tries to rescue their son from a cult.

_______________, Tangled Ties, (201x).  She would do everything for her family.  Was that really what they needed?

#*Schreiber, Yehudit, Walking Together, (Litzoad Im Abba), Targum/Feldheim (2001).  A boy, raised Orthodox, has trouble dealing with his father’s ba’al teshuva past and this puts a barrier between them.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________, Long to Belong, (Shaychut), HaModia (2008).  Aroutine blood-test reveals that a young girl was switched in the hospital.

#Seltzer, Nachman, The Edge, Targum Press, A Young ba’al teshuva finds it two much for him and tries to return to his old life, only to find himself in deep trouble.

#_______________, The Link, Targum Press, One man holds an ancient secret.

*Sonnenfeld, Miri, Dollhouse,(Beit Bubot), Feldheim (2010).  Divorce, told from the perspective of the child.

Stimler, Ayalal, Trapped in Cyberspace, Menucha Publishers (2012), Following an accidentally revealed password, a one-time ‘top girl’ slips into a murky world of rap music and anonymous cyberfriends.

Sussman, Dovid, The Refugee, Targum/Feldheim, (1998).  A young Holocaust survivor who has repressed his memories must recover them.

_____________, Square Peg,  Targum/Feldheim, (2000). A ba’al teshuva, after years in Israel, returns home to find his father behaving strangely.

_____________, Alter Ego, Targum/Feldheim (2007). A young kollel man disappears after a mysterious stranger from his past surfaces.

_____________, Prime Suspect, Torah Temimah Publications (2012). A wealthy businessman dies under mysterious circumstances, and his family is shocked by the terms of his will.

#Toker, E., Kaleidoscope, Mispacha.  A high school counselor with a difficult student, interwoven with a suspense tale from the Holocaust.

_________, Checkmate, Myzlik Publishing (2009). A scandal in a Swiss bank provides moral delemas for the bankers and for their family members.

#Tresser, S.Z., Tangled Vines, Jerusalem Publications. Rebuilding in Eretz Yisrael.

Vogiel, Eva, Friends or Foe, The Judaica Press (2001), A young girl, separated from her family during the Holocaust, finds the reunion with he mother traumatic.

 __________The Four Seasons of Gold Mirel, Judaica Press (2006) A refugee’s adjustment to post-war London.

­­­­­­­­__________ and Ruth Shanker, The Clockmaker’s Apprentice, Judaica Press (2011).  A family of Jews who escaped from Spain find the adjustment to life in Amsterdam difficult.

#Weiden, Leah, What Lies Within, Israel Bookshop (2008),  A young kollel couple must fly to the States to balled a rare illness, and touch the lives of those who helps them.

*Weinstock, Yair, The Gordian Knot, (Kesher Gordi), Shaar Press (1997).  A Holocaust survivor must repay the errors of his youth and help foil a bacteriological threat to Israel.

_____________,  Blackout,(Bilti Hafich), Shaar Press (1998) An Israeli newsman, while investigating the Orthodox community, uncovers a government plot to cripple it.

____________, Eye of the Storm, Shaar Press (1999). The Hezbolla tries to detonate an atomic bomb in the Israel’s nuclear storehouses.

____________, Calculated Risk, Shaar Press (2000).  International computer crime.

____________, Time Bomb,Shaar Press(2002). Missionary activity in Israel.

____________, Banker's Trust, Shaar Press. The fall-guy for an embezzlement is an Orthodox Jew.

Weiner, Devora, Silent Dreams, Targum/Feldheim (2002). The kollel versus workplace debate, with the couple’s dreams playing a major role.

____________, Escape to Reality, (2004).  A young woman originally from a religious family reacts with dismay to her secular husband's growing interest in Judaism.

____________, Hearts of Gold, Shanky's Publications (2006).  A young frum couple messes up their finances and it nearly ruins their marriage..

____________, Hearts of Gold2, Shanky's Publications (2008).  The kallah and her father finally put things in perspective.

____________, White Ice, Shanky’s Publications (2007) Antisemitism in a small down in America and its effects on the local Jewish community.

­­­­­­­­­­_____________, Changing Tides, Shanky’s Publications (2010).  Four high school friends help each other through their midlife crises.

White, Tzvi, Skyscrapers, Feldheim, (1999).  The kidnappers of a young boy are traced by the police and a citizen’s patrol.

_________, Midnight Jewels, (2000).  Dr. Beck of the Citizen’s Patrol helps track down a ring of jewel thieves disturbing the Orthodox community.  Treats the difficulties of obtaining convictions against apprehended criminals.

Narrative non-fiction:

Bauer, Agi,  Black becomes a Rainbow, Feldheim, (1991). A secular mother struggles to come to grips with her daughter's teshuva and with her own ambivalence between her two homes, in Australia and in Israel. Her chareidi grandchildren provide the bridge by which she crosses the gap in understanding.  Also in Hebrew and French.

Benisch, Pearl, To Vanquish the Dragon, Feldheim, (1991).  A group of self-reliant Beis Ya'akov girls are engaged in a constant battle of wits with the Nazi authorities in Krakow, as they struggle to survive and to protect their family members. Also in Hebrew.

Cohen, Miriam, A Daughter of Two Mothers, Feldheim, (2007).  An adopted child is reunited with her natural mother, until the Holocaust separates them again.

Farbstein, Yaffa, Triangle of Despair, Circle of Hope, Israel Book Shop Publications, (2009).  Mental illness and a feud tear a family apart.

Gottlieb, Anna, Between the Lines, C.I.S. Struggling to protect her two young children from the effects of a painful divorce, a writer discovers Judaism through a satisfying second marriage.

Gray, Ahuvah, My Sister, the Jew, Targum/Feldheim, (2001).  An African-American businesswoman, coming from a family with an inspiring love of the Bible, moves to Jerusalem and converts to Judaism. or

#Heiman, Faigie,  Girl For Sale,   Navon Press (2009)   A warm humorous memoir spanning a century of Jewish family life, one that goes from the Land of the Free to the Home of the Jews.

Horowitz, Raichel, The Bostoner Rebbetzin Remembers, Mesorah Publications, (1996).  Memoirs of the Rebbetzin’s family and of the early Chasidic pioneers in America.

Kiszner, Mirish, Extraordinary Stories about Ordinary People, Artscroll (2008).An inspiring collection of true stories about real people who chose well, who chose wisely, and who, without publicity or fame, achieved greatness.


#Myzlik, Avigail, Escape from Inda, Myzlik Sefarim (2009) An Israeli baal teshuva, still enmired in some aspects of his past, is arrested in India for drug-running.

Rosengarten, Sudy, Worlds Apart, Targum/Feldheim, (1992).  The struggle for Orthodox Jewish education for girls in America.

Schwartzbaum, Avraham, The Bamboo Cradle, Feldheim (1988).  A childless American professor finds an abandoned baby in a Chinese train station. In the process of converting her, the adoptive parents become Orthodox and move to Israel.  Also in Hebrew, French, Russian, and Spanish.

Shain, Ruchoma,  All for the Boss, Feldheim (1984).  A biography of the author's father, a man renowned for his hospitality and one of the pioneers of a vigorous chareidi community in New York, who made aliya to Jerusalem in 1939. Also in Hebrew and French.

Shapiro, Chaim Go, my Son, Feldheim (1989).  A young Polish yeshiva boy escapes deep into Russia as the Germans invade in 1941.  His burning desire for revenge is finally satisfied as he becomes a tank commander and sweeps into Poland with the advancing Red Army.  Also in Hebrew.

Shapiro, Sarah, Growing with my Children, Targum/C.I.S., (1989).  Diary of a mother’s spiritual growth during and after a parenting workshop.

Story Collections and Anthologies

Adler, Malka, A Sunny Slice of Life, Targum/ Feldheim, (2000). Heartwarming true stories.

Gold, Yeshara, I Lift my Eyes, Targum Press, (1990).  True stories of ba’alei teshuva, converts, and raised Orthodox Jews overcoming personal challenges.

Goldwasser, David, It happened in Heaven, Feldheim (1995) (Hebrew:  Bat Kol Yotzeit, (1996)).

Guttesman, Meir, Birdsong, Targum/Feldheim,  (2000). Short stories.

  _________, Wings, Targum/Feldheim, (2000). Short Stories about prayer.

Lazewnik, Libby, A Patchwork Life and Other Stories for Women, Hamodia Treasures (2011). A compilation of relevant and uplifting short stories for women of all ages.

Lazewnik, Libby and Zakon, Miriam, ed., Fiction: Twenty Contemporary Jewish Stories, Targum/Feldheim (1993).

Medwed, Sheina, A Mother’s Favorite Stories, Mesorah Publications, (1998).

#Rosengarten, Sudy, An Onion for the Doctor and Other Stories, Jerusalem Publicatios.

Roth, Zev, The Monsey-Kiryat Sefer Express, Targum/Feldheim, (2000). Divine Providence.

Shapiro, Sarah, ed., Our Lives, Targum/Feldheim, (1991). Women’s writing.

____________, More of Our Lives, (1993).   Targum/Feldheim.  Slice of life essays.

Tennenbaum, Susan, Heart and Soul, Targum/ Feldheim, (2001).  Inspirational stories.

Teller, Chanoch, Once upon a SouI, NYC Pub. Co., (1984).  Moral courage.

_____________, Soul Survivors, NYC Pub. Co., (1985).

_____________, Souled, NYC Pub. Co., (1986).

_____________, Sunset, NYC Pub. Co., (1987).  Biographies.

_____________, Pichifkes,  NYC/Feldheim, (1989). Odds and ends.

_____________, Hey, Taxi!, NYC/Feldheim, (1990).  Heard in taxis.

_____________, The Bostoner, NYC Pub. Co., (1990). Biography.

_____________, Bridges of Steel, Ladders of Gold, NYC Pub. Co., (1990).  Biography.

_____________, The Courtrooms of the Mind, NYC Pub. Co., (1991). Judging favorably.

_____________, Give Peace a Stance, NYC/Feldheim, (1992).  Peace between people.

_____________, A Matter of Principal, NYC/Feldheim, (1994).  Biography.

_____________, It’s a Small Word after All, NYC/Feldheim, (1997).  Kindness.

_____________, In an Unrelated Story, NYC/Feldheim, (1998). Behind the news.

_____________, Builders, NYC/Feldheim, (2000), Three biographies.

Wikler, Meir,  Aishel, Feldheim, (1996). The adventure of extending hospitality.

__________, Einei Hashem, Feldheim, (1997). Stories set in Israel.

__________, Zore’a Tzedakos Providence with deep roots.