5th Israeli Algebra and Number Theory Day


14 Sivan 5777 (8 June 2017)


Bar-Ilan University mathematics department seminar room.
The mathematics department is located in Building 216 on the campus map.


10:40-11:35 Peter Schneider (Münster)
Iwasawa cohomology for Lubin-Tate (phi,Gamma)-modules
11:35-11:50 Coffee
11:50-12:45 Stefano Morra (Montpellier)
Generalized Serre conjectures, local-global compatibility, and the p-adic local Langlands program
12:45-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:05 François Legrand (Technion)
On the Grunwald problem for regular Galois groups over Q
15:05-15:15 Break
15:15-16:10 Gabor Wiese (Luxembourg)
On Galois representations of weight one
