speaker: Guy Kindler (Hebrew University) title: "Testing Juntas" Abstract: --------- A Boolean function f over n Boolean variables is called a k-junta, if it depends on at most k of its variables. This term originates in the theory of social choice, where the variables of f correspond to voters, their assignment corresponds to an election, and the value of f is regarded as the outcome of the election. In these terms, a k-junta is an election scheme the outcome of which is completely determined by at most k voters. The talk will discuss the problem of testing whether a given Boolean function f is a k-junta or whether f is 'epsilon-far' from any k-junta, making the least possible number of accesses to its truth table. In particular, a test will be shown that makes a polynomial number, in k and epsilon, of queries to f. Note that the number of queries is independent of the number of variables of f. Joint work with Eldar Fischer, Dana Ron, Shmuel Safra, and Alex Samorodnitsky.