Speaker: Eyal Rozenman (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Title: ------ "A New Explicit Construction of Constant-Degree Expander Cayley Graphs" Abstract: --------- Expander graphs are widely used in Computer Science and Mathematics. A graph is expanding if the second eigenvalue of the standard random walk on this graph is bounded away from 1 (equivalently, the smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian is strictly larger than 0). Several explicit constructions of infinite families of constant degree expanders are Cayley graphs, namely graphs defined by groups and generators. All these constructions start with a single infinite "mother" group, plus a special finite set of generators, and constructs the infinite family by taking larger and rager finite quotients of the "mother" group. Recently, a new approach was introduced by Reingold et al (Annals '01) for explicitely constructing expander graphs. This approach starts with a single finite "seed" graph, and iteratively constructs larger and larger graphs of the same constant degree, via a new graph product (called the "zig-zag" product). They prove that if the "seed" graph is a good enough expander, so are all graphs in the infinite family. We prove a similar theorem for a family of Cayley graphs. However, in contrast, the expansion of the "seed" graph in our family is an open question (see below).The proof relies on the connection between zig-zag product of graphs and semi-direct product in groups of Alon et al (FOCS '01). The groups in the family are (essentially) the automorphism groups of a k-regular tree of every finite depth ( very different than previously used groups). The generators are constructed by efficient algorithms for solving certain equations over the symmetric group (implicit in Nikolov '02). An essential part is the analysis of the expansion of a Cayley graph on two copies of a group GxG with (perfectly correlated) set of generators of the form (g, g^{-1}), when all elements of G are commutators. The main open problem is to prove the conjecture below, which would establish the expansion of the "seed" Cayley graph (and hence by the theorem of all others in the family). Conjecture: For some finite k, there exists a set of k^{1/5} permutations in S_k, such that the resulting Cayley graph is an expander. No special backgroung will be assumed. (Joint work with Avi Wigderson (IAS))