Date: Sunday, 6 Iyar 5765 (May 15, '05) Speaker: Dan Bernstein (Weizmann Institute) Title: "A Foata bijection for the alternating group and for q-analogues" Abstract: --------- The Foata bijection $\Phi : S_n \to S_n$ is extended to the bijections $\Psi : A_{n+1} \to A_{n+1}$ and $\Psi_q : S_{n+q-1} \to S_{n+q-1}$, where $S_m$, $A_m$ are the symmetric and the alternating groups. These bijections imply bijective proofs for recent equidistribution theorems, by Regev and Roichman, for $A_{n+1}$ and for $S_{n+q-1}$. Joint work with Amitai Regev.