Date: Tuesday, 7 Adar 5766 (March 7, '06) Speaker: Shay Solomon (Ben-Gurion University) Title: "A Solution of the $k$-Relaxed Tower of Hanoi Problem" Abstract: --------- We study the $k$-Relaxed Tower of Hanoi Problem $RTH_k(n)$, posed by Wood in 1981. It differs from the classical problem by the relaxed placement rule: a bigger disk can be placed above a smaller disk if their sizes differ by less than $k$. The shortest sequence of moves from the standard state of disks $[1..n]$ on peg A to that on peg C, using peg B, is in question. For $k=1$ we get the classic problem. In 1992, Poole suggested a solution for this problem, which now is known to have a fundamental gap. Beneditkis, Berend, and Safro suggested in 1998 a sequence of moves, denoted by $\AA_k(n)$, and for the case $k=2$ proved its optimality for $RTH_k(n)$. We prove optimality of $\AA_k(n)$ for $RTH_k(n)$, for the general $k$. (Interestingly, a proof of optimality of $\AA_n$ for $RTH_n$ was suggested independently by Xiaomin Chen et al., approximately at the same time.) We also survey some related problems: 1. Finding an optimal move sequence for $RTH_k(n)$, when allowing the sizes of the $n$ disks be any set of $n$ distinct integers. 2. Finding the diameter of the graph of all configurations of $RTH_k(n)$. 3. Finding the family of all optimal solutions for $RTH_k(n)$.