============================== Bar-Ilan Combinatorics Seminar ============================== The next meeting of the seminar this year will take place, IYH, on (when) Tuesday, 24 Kislev (Dec. 4) refreshments at 11:45, talk at 12:00 noon (where) Room 331 (Math Dept Seminar Room), Math and CS Building (216), Bar-Ilan University (who) Malka Schaps (Bar-Ilan University) will talk about (what) "The combinatorics of spin representations of the symmetric and alternating groups" Abstract: --------- The combinatorics of the representations of the symmetric group are well-known: The labelling of irreducible representations by partitions, the determinations of degrees by branching rules, the identification of p-modular irreducibles with p-regular partitions, the labelling of blocks by p-cores. The spin representations, those representations of the double covers of the symmetric and alternating groups in which the unique central involution takes the value -1, have a parallel combinatorical theory, based on strict partitions and p-bar cores, which is much less familiar. We survey this theory and present recent results by Brundan, Kleshchev, Kessar, Arisha, and the speaker about the combinatorics of p-modular spin blocks. Forthcoming Events ================== * 2 Tevet (Dec. 11) --- no meeting --- Chanukka break * 9 Tevet (Dec. 18) Alex Samorodnitsky (Hebrew University): "Counting magic squares" ************************************************************************* You are all invited ! (Graduate students especially welcome) If you want to give a talk at the seminar, or know a prospective speaker, please contact Ron Adin . Seminar's homepage: see *************************************************************************