============================== Bar-Ilan Combinatorics Seminar ============================== The next meeting of the seminar this year will take place, IYH, on (when) Tuesday, 9 Tevet (Dec. 18) refreshments at 11:45, talk at 12:00 noon (where) Room 331 (Math Dept Seminar Room), Math and CS Building (216), Bar-Ilan University (who) Alex Samorodnitsky (Hebrew University) will talk about (what) "Counting magic squares" Abstract: --------- A magic square is a nonnegative integer matrix with equal row and column sums. I will describe a quasi-polynomial algorithm for approximate counting of magic squares. Joint work with Alexander Barvinok and Alex Yong Forthcoming Events ================== * 16 Tevet (Dec. 25) Eli Ben-Sasson (Technion): "Subspace polynomials and list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes" * 23 Tevet (Jan. 1) --- no meeting --- Representation Theory Conference - see ************************************************************************* You are all invited ! (Graduate students especially welcome) If you want to give a talk at the seminar, or know a prospective speaker, please contact Ron Adin . Seminar's homepage: see *************************************************************************