
                Elementary Number Theory

                                        2005-6 b

This pages also serves students of a similar course (88-576) in the math department.

For CS students: grade for the home assignments will be counted as 10% of the final grade.

Useful material (2006):
0. The list of topices covered in the course.
1. Here is a link to Dr. Reznikov's notes, including solutions to home assignments 1 through 4.
2. Also, take a look at exercise set #5, on countinued fractions (solve the first 6 problems, and as many as you like from the other two).
3. You may want to have a look at my notes for a more basic course given elsewhere.
4. My notes on continued fractions.
5. A sample exam (for 2006 terms).
6. The 2006 first term exam, with a complete solution.
7. The 2006 second term exam.
The exams will be with closed material (for your safety). Another useful piece of information: don't neglect the introduction to additive number theory, to analytic number theory, and to the distribution of primes, that were discussed in class.

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Last updated: 31 July 2006