Instructor: Michael Schein
Office: Mathematics Building, Room 214
E-mail: mschein at math dot biu dot ac dot il
Office hours: By e-mail appointment
Time: Tuesday, 12--2:30 pm
Location: Building 202 (physics), room 105
Syllabus and course info
There will be a review class on Thursday, July 14, 2011, in building 604,
room 105. Bring your questions!
First homework, due on March 22, 2011. Note that
questions 8 and 9 will be easier after the lecture of March 15.
Second homework, due on April 5, 2011.
Third homework, due on May 3, 2011.
Fourth homework, due on May 31, 2011.
The first problem (on the fourth homework) does appear to require laborious
calculation. However, 2^32 is only a ten-digit number, so it is not so bad.
Here are Yinon Nahum's solutions to the first homework from last year, which
was almost identical to the one from this year. The questions are available
Here is an exam from last year.
Some References